lii LIST OF SOME BOOKS CONSULTED Kreysig, G. C. Biblioteca Scriptorum Veneticorum. Alten- burg, 1750. Krieger, Otto von. Die hohe und niedeve Jagd. Trier, 1879. Kroeger, C. The Minnesinger of Germany. Camb. (Mass.), 1873. Laborde, Leon E. S. J. de. Glossaive Francais du Moyen Age. 1872. — Les Ducs de Bourgogne. 1847. La Chace dow Serf. Edited by Baron Jerome Pichon. Paris, 1840. See also Jubinal, La Chasse Royal, for La Chasse Royale, composée par le Roy Charles IX. Ed. by H. Chevreul. Paris, 1857. La Croix, P. La Moyen Age. Paris, 1848-51. La Curne de Sainte Palaye: Memoires sur l’ ancienne chevalerie. Paris, 1781. La Ferriére, Hector Conte. Les Chasses de Francois I. Paris, 1869. Lallemand. Bibliothéque historique . . . de la Chasse. Rouen, 1763. Lancaster, Henry, Earl of. Expenses of John of Brabant Camden Soc. 1847. Landau, G. Bettriige zur Geschichte dey Jagd. Kassel, 1849. Lauchert, Fr., Prof. Das Weidwerk dey Romer. Rottweil 1848. Lavallée, for La Chasse a Courre en France pay Joseph La Vallée. Paris, 1859. —— Technologie Cynégétique, Journal des Chasseurs. 1863. —— LaChasse a tiv en France. 1854. Latini, Brunetto. Li livres dow Tresor. Edit. by Chabaille. Paris, 1835. Lib. de la Mont., for Biblioteca Venatoria de Gutierrez de la Vega, Libro de la Monteria del Rey Alfonso XI. Del D. Jose G.d.1.V. Madrid, 1877. Le Coulteux de Cauteleu, Baron. La Venerie Frangaise. Paris, 1858. Leguina, Enriquede. Estudios bibliogydficos La Caza. 1888. Lenz, J. O. Zoologie der Alten Griechen und Romer. Gotha, 1856. Le Verrier de la Conterie. L’Ecole de la Chasse aux Chiens Courans. Rouen, 1783. Liber Niger. See Hearne. Liebermann, Felix. Constitutionis de Foresta. Walle, A. S. 1894. Lindsay, Robert. Chronicles of Scotland. Edinb., 1814. Loh., for Die Geste des Loherains. Ed. A. Feist, 1884. Madden, for The Diary of Master William Silence. By D.H.M. London, 1897. Madden, Sir Fred. Privy Purse Expenses of Princess Mary. 1831. Maison Rustique, for M. R. de Maistres C. Estienne and Iean Liebault. Used ed. Paris, 1572 and 1578. Malory, for La Morte d’Arthure. Ed. by Sir T. Malory. London, 1856. Maluquer, Dufau de. Comté de Foix. Foix Pau, root. Man., for Manwood’s Forest Laws. 4. ed. by W. Nelson, London, 1717. See Pleas of the Forest. Markham, Gervase. Country Contentments, or the Husbands- man’s Recreation. London, 1611. —— Cheap and Good Husbandry. London, 1614. —— The Young Sportsman’s Delight and Instructor. London, 1652. Maricourt, René de. LaChasse du Lievre,&c. Paris, 1858. Maundeville. The Book of John M. Ed. Dr. G. F. Warner (Roxburgh Club). London, 1889. Meurer, Noe. Jdgervkunst. 1618. Meyer, P. Glossaive de la Curne de S. Paley. 1875. Millais, J. G. British Deer. London, 1897. Monmouth, Gottfried von. Ed. Hoffmann and Vollmiiller. Halle, 1899. Montauban, Renans de. Ed. by Michelant. 1843. Mont., for L’antiquite expliquée. By Bernard de Montfaul- con. Paris, 1719. Mortillet, G. de. Ovigines de la Chasse. Paris, 1890. Neckham, Alexander. De Naturis Rerum. Edit. Wright, 1858. Négociation du Marechal de Bassompierre. 1626. Nichols, J. Royal Wills. London, 1780. Nicolas, Sir N. H. The Battle of Agincourt. London, 1832 —— History of the Navy. London, 1847. —— Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council. —— Privy Purse Expen. of Elizabeth of York and Wardrobe Exp. of Edward IV. London, 1830. Notabilia Venatoris. Nordhausen, 1710. Ordinances. A collection of O. and regulations of the Royal Household. Soc. of Ant. 1790. , Parson, J. W. von. Der edle hirschgerechte Jager. 1683. Patent Rolls (Printed) of the English Kings from Edward III. to Henry VII. P. B., for Partonopeus de Blois. Ed. G. Crapelet. 2 vols. Paris, 1834. Pennant, Thomas. British Zoology, London, 1768-76. Perc. for Perceval le Gallois. Edited by C. Potvin. Soc. des Biblio. vol. xxi., 1866. Petit, Paul. Le Livre du Roy Modus. 1900. Philobiblion Society. Vol. 11. London, 1854-5. Picard, for La Venerie des Ducs de Bourgogne. Pay Etienne Picard. Paris, 1881. Planché, I. R. Military Antiquities. 1834. Pleas of the Forest. By G.J.Turner. London, B. Quaritch. 1901. Poetry of Sport, vol. of Badminton Lib. Ed. by Hedley Peek. London. Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York. London, 1830. Prutz, H. Dr. Rechnungen iiber Heinrich von Derby’s Preussenfahrt. Leipzig, 1893. Ramsay, Sir James. Lancaster and York. 1802. Raymond, G. Réles de l’armée de Gaston Phoebus 1376- 1378). Bordeaux, 1872. Reynardson, C. T. S. B. Sports of bygone days. London, 1887. Reissner Adam. Historische Beschreibung. 1620. Ribblesdale, for The Queen’s Hounds. By Lord R. London, 1897, Rohan-Chabot. La Chasse a travers les Gges. Paris, 1898. Rol. Lied., for Das Altfranzotische Rolandslied. Ed. by Ed. Max Stengel. Heilbronn, 1878 and 1900. Rolls of Parl., for Rotuli Parliamentorwm—Edw. III. to Henry IV. ¢ Romania, Octob. 1884 (Paris). Roman de Richard li Biaus. Ed. Dr. W. Forster. Wien, 1874. R. d. B., for Roman de Brut. Pay R. Wace. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. Rouen, 1838. Roman de Perceval le Gallois. Ed.Ch. Potvin. Mons, 1871. Roman le, de Rose. Ed. F. Pluquet. 1827. R. de Rou., for Le Roman de Rou. By Robert Wace. Ed. by F. Pluquet. 1827. R. V., for Roman de le Violette. Ed. Fr. Michel. Paris, 1834. Roy Modus, for Elezéay Blaze’s ed. of Le Livre du Roy Modus. Paris, 1839. Rye W. B. England as seen by foreigners. London, 1865. Sahl., for Englische Jagd, Jagdkunde und Jagdlitevatur im 14. 15. und 16. Jahvhund. Von Paul Sahlender. Leipzig and London, 1895. —— Dey Jagdtraktat Twici’s. Von Paul M. Sahlender. Leipzig, 1894. —— Das Englische Jagdwesen in seiner gesch. Entwick- lung. Von Dr. P. Sahlender-Bautzen. Dresden and Leipzig, 1898. Sainte-Palaye, for Memoires sur Vancienne Chevalerie. Par M. de la Curne de S.-P. 3 vols. Paris, 1781. Salnove, R. de. La Venerie Royale. Paris, 1655, Niort, 1888. Scandianese, F.G. Della Caccia. Vinegia, 1556. Sen. de Nor., for Sénéschal de Normandye, or Le livre de la Chasse et du bon chien Souillavd. Pay le Baron Jer. Pichon. Paris, 1858. Shaw, Vero. The Book of the Dog. London, 1889-91. Shirley, for English Deer Parks. By Evelyn Ph.S. London 1867. Shirley MS., for Brit. Mus. Addit. MS. 16,165 of the “ Master of Game,’’ which is the version next in importance to the one reproduced in the present work. See Bibliography : MSS. of the Master of Game.”’ LIST OF SOME BOOKS CONSULTED Smith, Sir Thomas. De Republica Anglorum. London, 1583. Souhart, for Bibliographie des Ouvrages suv la Chasse. Pay R. Souhart. 1886, with two additions of 1888 and 1891. Statutes of the Realm. 1810-1822. (9 vols.) Stissser, F. U. Forst und Jagd Histor. dev Teutsehen. Jena, 1738. Strassburg, Gottfried von. Ed. P. A. Lehmann. Hamburg, 1703. : Stratmann, F. H. Middle English Dic. Rev. by H. Bradley. 1891. : Strutt, J. Sports and Pastimes of the English People. Ed. 1875. —— Newed. by J.C.Cox. 1903. —— Dress and habits of the People of England. Stuart, for Lays of the Deer Forest. By J. Sob. and Ch. Stuart. 2 vols. Edin. & London. 1848. Taplin, W. Sporting Dictionary. : Tarbé, Prosper. Le Noble et Gentil jeu de V’arbalaste. Reims, 1841. —— Le Roman des quatres fils Aymon. 1861. Tardif, for L’Avt de Fauconerie et des chiens de Chasse. Par Guillaume T. Paris, 1492. Thierbach, M. Die Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Haudfeueg- swaffen. Dresden, 1886-9. Topsell, Edward, The Histovie of Fovre-footed Beastes. London, William Iaggard, 1607. T. and I., for Tristan und Isolde. Von Gottfried von Strassburg. Ed. Her. Kurtz. Stuttgart. 1844. T. M., for Tristan: Recueil de ce qui reste des poemes. Ed. by Fr. Michel. 3 vols. London, 1835-9. Topham, J. Observations on the Wardrobe Accounts of the 28th year of Edward I. 1787. Traité (Nouveau) de Venerie. Paris, 1750. Traité des Chasses (Anon.). 2 vols. Paris, 1822. Traité des Chasses et de la Venerie. Paris, 1681. Treat. on Greyh., for A Treatise on Greyhounds. By a Sportsman. London, 1825. T. Tresson, for Histoive de Tristan de Leonois. Ed. by Comte de Tresson. Paris, 1781. Tristan. Ed. Fr. Michel. 3 vols. London, 1835-9. —— delaTable Ronde. Pr. Ant. Verard. Paris, 1495. iii Turber., for The Noble Art of Venery or Hunting. London, 1575-6. (When not specially mentioned the second edit. of 1611.) : Twety and Gyff., for Reliquia Antique. Vol. 1. where Thomas Wright published Twici’s Art of Hunting in Brit. Mus. MS, Vespasian B. XII. oe Twici, for The Art of Hunting. By William Twici (MS. Phillipps 8336). Edited by (Sir) H. E. L. Dryden, Daventry, 1843. See Bibliography. Tyolet, Romania. Edited by G. Paris, 1885. Usk, Adam of. Chronicon. Ed. London, 1876. Vallds, Mossen Juan. Tvatado de Monteria. 1556. i Venevie Nor., for Venerie Normande. Par M. le Verrier de la Conterie. Rouen, 1778. Ver. de la Cont., for L’ Ecole de la Chasse aux Chiens Couvans. Pay M. de le Verrier de la Conterie. Rouen, 1763. Vignancour, Emile. Recueil de Poésies Béarnaises. 4th Edit. Pau, 1886. Vincentius Bellovacensis. Bibliotheka Mundi. Edit. of 1624. —— Speculi majoriis. 1591. Vyner. Notitia Venatica. Wagner, F. von. Die Jagd des grossen Wildes im Mittelalter. Wien, 1884. Walton, for The Complete Angler. By Izaak Walton. Used ed, London, 1815. Wardrobe Accounts for the reigns Edward III. to Henry IV. Werth, Hermann. Uber die Altesten franz. Ubersetzungen Mittletalt. Jagdiehrbiicher. Gottingen, 1888. Altfranzisische Jagdlehrbiicher, Halle, 1889. Whitaker, Joseph. The Deer Parks of England. London, 1892. Will. of Palerne. See G. de P. Wright, for A History of Domestic Manners in England. By Thomas Wright. London, 1862. Wylie, for History of England undey Henry IV, By James H. Wylie. London, 1884-1898. 4 vols. Wynn, for History of the Mastiff. By M.B. Wynn. Melton Mowbray (1886). D’Yauville. Traité de Venerie. Paris, 1688. h