32 THE MASTER OF GAME olde so that hure teeth be wexen vp al at hure ryght after pe othere smale teth which they had first, for pei tochen ii tymes in pe yere whan pei be whelpes pe first tethe pei cast whan pei ben half yere olde, and eeke hire hookes and pan ober teth commen to hem al newe be which pei bere al her lyfe tyme and nat casteb. And whan pei be woxen vp agayn at her ryght pan pei leuen her fadir and her modir and gon at her auenture, but natwithstondyng p* pei goo fer pei abide not longe fro eipere other and 3if it falle p' pei mete with her fader and her modir pe which han norsshed hem they wil make hem joye and grete reuerence alway and also I do you to wete p‘ whan a becch and a wolf of her kynde han take felowship togidre pei abide comonly euermore togidre and though pat pei somtyme goo seche here fedyng pat oon ferre from pat other they they (sic) wil be to gidre at ny3t 3if pei may or at the ferrtest or iii daies eende, And suche wolfes so in felowship togidre geten mete to her welpes as wel pe fadir as pe moder sauf only pat pe wolf etep first al his fille and pan he berethe pe remenaunt to his whelpes. The bicche of hem dothe not soo for she bereth her welpes alle hur mete and etep with hem and 3if pe wolf is withe be whelpes whan her modir cometh and she brynge eny ping and pe wolf hap not ynow he take pe fedyng from hur and from her and from her whelpes and etep his fille first and pan he leuep hem pe remenaunt, 3if per leue ou3t and 3if ther be noght yleft deye for hunger 3if pei wil, for he recchep but litel so that his bely be fulle, And when pe modir seep pat and hath be fer to seche hur mete she leuep pe mete a grete way pennes for her whelpes, and pan she commep to see if pe wolf is wip hem, and if he be pere she abideth so long to he be agoo and pan she bryngethe hem hur mete, But also pe wolf is so malicious whan he seep hur come with- out fedyng pat he goop and wyndep at hur mosell and 3if he wynde pat she hath brought eny ping he takep hure with his tethe and betep hure so pat she most shewe him wher she hap left hure fedyng and whan pe buche perseyuep that be wolf dop so whan she turnep to here whelpes, she commep all pe couerte and sheweth hure not in to pe tyme p' she perceyue 3if pe wolf is with hem, And if he be pere she hidep hure ynto the tyme that he be gon to his raveyn for pe grete hunger pat he hathe, and whan he is a goo pan she bryngeth here whelpes, her fedyng for to ete and pis is soth, some men seyn pat she bathes hure body and heed because pat pe wolf shuld wynde no ping of hure fedyng, whan she commeth agayne but perof make I noon affrmacion. Ther bene oper heuy wolfes of here nature be which be not so in felawship old if so be that their teeth are fully grown after their other small teeth which they had first, for they teethe twice in the year when they are whelps. The first teeth they cast when they are half a year old and also their hooks. Then other teeth come to them which they bear all their life- time and never cast. When they are full grown then they leave their father and mother and go on their adventures, but notwithstanding that they go far they do not stay long away from each other and if it happens that they meet with their father and with their mother the which hath nourished them they are very joyful and always give them great reverence. And also I would have you know that when a wolf or a bitch of the same kind hath fellowship together they generally stay evermore together, and though they sometimes go to seek their feeding the one far from the other they will be together at night if they can or at the farthest in three days. And such wolves in fellowship together get meat for their whelps the father as well as the mother, except that the wolf eats first his fill and then bears the remnant to his whelps. The bitch does not do so for she bears all her meat to her whelps and eats with them. And if the wolf is with the whelps when the mother comes and she brings anything and the wolf has not enough he takes the feeding from her and her whelps, and eateth his fill first, and then he leaves them the remnant, if there be any, and if there be not any left they die of hunger, if they will, for he recketh but little so that his belly be full. And when the mother sees that, and has been far to seek her meat she leaves her meat a great way thence for her whelps, and then she comes to see if the wolf is with them, and if he be there she stays till he is gone and then she brings them her meat. But also the wolf is so malicious that when he sees her come without food he goes and winds her muzzle, and if he winds she hath brought anything he takes her by the teeth and biteth her so that she must show him where she has left her food. And when the bitch perceives that the wolf does this when she returneth to her whelps she keeps in the covert and does not show herself if she perceives that the wolf is with them, and if he is there she hides her- self until he has gone to his prey on account of his great hunger, and when he is gone she brings her whelps her food for them to eat. And this is truth. Some men say that she bathes her body and her head so that the wolf should wind nothing of her food, when she comes to them, but of this I make no affirmation. There are other heavy wolves of this nature, the which be not so in fellowship, they do not help WOLF HUNTING