46 THE MASTER OF GAME pan 3if thei had but lytel mete and also 3if pei were cast in Reuere twies in pe day pei shuld be pe raper out of here jolite They beren here whelpes ix wekes or more pe whelpes byn blynde whan pei ben welpede til pei bene ix daies olde pei may wel se, and lappe wel whan pei be a monyth oolde, but pei han grete nede of hure dame in to pe tyme pat pei be ii monethis olde,’ and pan pei shuld be fedde wip gootes mylke, or wip kowes mylk, and crommes of brede imaked smale and put perinne and specially in be morowe and at nyght by cause pat pe nyght is more cold pan the day. And also men shuld 3eue hem crommes in flessh brothe and in pis wise men may norsshe hem to pei be of half yeere olde. And by pat tyme pei shul cast her hookes and whan pei han cast here hokes, pan men shulde teche hem to ete drye brede and lape watir litel and litel for an hounde pat is norshed of grece and fat brothe whan he hath cast his hokes, but if he haue alwaies soppes or bandes he is a chis” hounde and of euel warde and also pei ben not so wel breched as pei that eten alway brede and watir, whan pe biches ben alyned pei lose her tyme and also pe while pei be grete with whelpes and also the while her whelpes souke, and but pei ben alyned sone vpon pei shul lose her tyme for her tetes abiden grete and wexen ful of wynde in to pe tyme pat pei shuld haue had here whelpes, and by cause pei shuld not leese here tyme men make hem ispaide saue pis men wil kepe oon to bere whelpes and also oon spaied biche lesteth lengere in hure bounte pan ober ii pat byn not spaied.* And 3if a biche be with whelpes pe whiche ben not of ward lat the biche fast al a day hool and yeue here pan wip a litel grece the jus an herbe the whiche men clepen titimal pe whiche be ypoticaries knowen wel, and she shal cast here whelpes. Napbertheles it is gre perile namely 3if be whelpes bene grete and fourmed withinne the bicch. The moost defaute of houndes is pat pei lyuen not longe inowe for most comonly pei lyuen but xii yere and also men shuld late renne non houndes of what con- diciouns that pei be of, ne noz3ut hunte with hem into pe tyme pat pei were a xii mounthis olde and passed. And also bei may hunte but ix yeere at the moost. but little. And also if they were cast in a river twice in a day they should be sooner out of their jollity. They bear their whelps nine weeks or more ; the whelps (are) blind when they are whelped till they be nine days old and then they may well see and lap well when they are a month old, but they have great need of their dam to the time that they be two months old,! and then they should be well fed with goat’s milk or with cow’s milk and crumbs of bread made small and put therein, especially in the morn and at night. Because that the night is more cold than the day. And also men should give them crumbs in flesh-broth, and in this wise men may nourish them till they be half a year old, and by that time they shall have cast their hooks, and when they have cast their hooks they should teach them to eat dry bread and lap water little by little, for a hound that is nourished with grease and fat broth when he casts his hooks, and he hath always sops or tit-bits, he is a dainty® hound and of evil ward. And also they be not so well breathed than if they have eaten always bread and water. When the bitches be lined they lose their time, and also while they be great with whelps, and also while their whelps suck. If they are not lined, soon they will lose their time, for their teats remain great and grow full of wind until the time that they should have had their whelps. And so that they should not lose their time men spaye them, save these that men will keep open to bear whelps. And also a spayed bitch lasteth longer in her goodness than other two that be not spayed.* And if a bitch be with whelps the which be not of ward let the bitch fast all the whole day, and give her then with a little grease the juice of a herb men calleth titimal, the which the apothecaries knoweth well, and she shall cast her whelps. Nevertheless it is a great peril namely if the whelps be great and formed within the bitch. The greatest fault of hounds is that they live not long enough, most commonly they live but twelve years. And also men should let run no hounds of what condition that they be, nor hunt them until the time that they were a twelve month old and past. And also they can hunt but nine years at the most. 1 G. de F. (p. 85) adds: ‘‘ and then they may be taken from their mother.” . , j Nitty 1 4 . > ce e 2 “ Chis,” or ‘‘ cheese,” hound, probably dainty hound, a chooser, from ‘“cheosan,”’ Mid. Eng. “ choose,” to , ; i distinguish ; also written ‘‘ ches,” chees.’’ (Stratmann.) 8 Lasts longer good, i.e., lasts as long as two hounds that have not been spayed. G. de F. (p. 86) adds : “or at least one and a half.” TREATMENT. OF SIGK “ORV INJURED. HOUMDS