HOW THE HOUNDS SHOULD BE LED OUT TO SCOMBRE 71 CAP". xxi_HOW pE HOUNDE SHULD BE LADDE OUT TO SCOMBRE How pe child shuld lede pe houndes to scombre twies in pe day in the mornyng and in the evenyng so pat pe sonne be vp specially in wyntere pan shuld be lat hem renne and play longe in a faire medew in pe soune, and pan kembe euery hounde after other and wipe hem wip a grette wispe of straw, and pus shal be doo euery mornyng, and pan he shal lede hem in some faire place per as tendre gras groueth as corn and ober pinges, pat pei mowe fede hem isithe for to make her medecynes for somtyme houndes ben seke and wip gras pat pei etyn pei voiden hem and helyn hem self. CHAP. 21—HOW THE HOUNDS SHOULD BE LED OUT TO SCOMBRE Atso I will teach? the child to lead out the hounds to scombre twice in the day in the morning and in the evening, so that the sun be up, especially in winter. Then should he let them run and play long in a fair meadow in the sun, and then comb every hound after the other, and wipe them with a great wisp of straw, and thus he shall do every morning. And then shall he lead them into some fair place there where tender grass grows as com and other things, that therewith they may feed them (selves) as it is medicine for them, for sometimes hounds are sick and with the grass that they eat they void and heal themselves. 1 The first four words are omitted in our MS., but they are in the Shirley MS. and in others, and inG, de F.