[Transcript for page 208] An a proved drink for the rickets it hath cured them that cold not goe aloane at: foure years of aige in a short time: with this drinke and oyntment under riten proved CM G Take a handful of plantan a hanfull of yarow and a handfull of liver worth and a handful of harts tungs and a handfull of scabious a litel egremony a handful of shepards purse and a handfull of knott grass halfe a handful of clary half a handfull of bone worth and a handfull of bugles a handfull of rosmary flowers a litell nipe a handfull of scouruy grass a handfull of lunge worth a handfull of maider haire or more a quarter of an ounce of large mace 2 ounces of suger candey and a quarter of pound of raisons of the sunne stone one ounce of licrish one ounce of any seeds then take a gallon of psring water and boule all the hearbs in it being all cleane washed and the licrish cleane scraped and thinn sliced and the anyseeds brused a litell then let it boyle till it coms to a potell and then strain it out in sume earthen pot or botells and put in the suger candy after it is trained out and then let the child drink a good drath in the morning fasting and again at 4 a clock in the afternoone