[Transcript for page 108] [Note: Edge damage] ed sitarns and long comfits::: Mr dicks Rocait for balls for the Rume to draw it out of the teeth proud Take a small quantety of pepar beaten very small and as much suger as pepar and mingle it well together and then make the fire pan very hott and then put the suger and peper and sture it a bout and it will looke all black and oyly and when it is very soft then make it in litell round balls balls take it in your hand and mak them when they are it is very hot in the pan and they will look as black as get if it be dune right then put one in the mouth and it will draw a way the rume very much they will sone milt therfore doe not make noemore at a time then you think you shall have ocasion for::: Jan To make past of gen away the trew way Take quinces and boyle them in there skines then scrape all the pulpe from the core straine in thorow a pece of cushen canuice take as much suger as the pulp doe way put to it twice as much water as will melt the it that is half a pint of water to every pound of suger boyle it to a candy hight dry the pulpe up on a chafinge dish of coles then put the surope and pulpe hot together boyle it with continuall sturing it untill it will lye one a pye plate even as you lay it and lune noe broder then fashon sume like letars and sume like leaves and so set your pye plate in the oven that is worme oven or stove let is stand upon two billets of wood from the oven all one night one the morow turne it and set it in the