[Transcript for page 190] An exelent medison for the greene sicknes and to make then that look very pall to look with a fresh lively culer Take very good curance and stew them in clarat wine [note: ampersand] they be very plumpe put in 2 or 3 cloves to the mine and curance then eat every morning a sponfull of the [note: edge damage] [c]urance and sup a litell of the wine and take it a [note: edge damage] [g]ood while together The flowers of elder are a very prety thing canded and a very houlsom thing to eat and so are the flowers dryed and brued in alle very good to drink for the dropsey The cherys that are best to preserve are the cherys called morella surope of red curance are best to preserve cherys with and will make them looke well and make them Jelly or you may put sume Jelly water of your Cherys to the Juce of curance and mixe them well together::: To make a good tansey Take 15 or 16 eges but halfe the whits and take out all the tredids and beat them very well and then season it with alitell mace and salt and a litell suger then take 4 handfulls of greene wheat and pick it cleane and 2 handfulls of vilet leaves and 2 great handfulls of prime rose leves vilet leaves = and wash them an very cleane and swinge them in a cloth and then stampe them and straine them and then put in the Juce let the tanseyput in a litell crums of manchat looke very greene and [note:edge damage] [p]ut in a bout halfe a pint of creame that is very thick and [note:edge damage] pit it into a bell bras skillet to thickn it then fry it