[Transcript for page 191] [note:edge damage] [t]eas are much betar baked in the oven then boyled [ note: illegible] [note:edge damage] eat as well put them in to a pot or pipkin and put as much water to them as will cover them and sume what more and then past up the pot very close and when they are baked poure them out and buter them very well pickled oystors are very good in stewedmeat as in calves heads stewed and in frickses of veale or chickens or lame Sques one your tanseys the Juce of and orenge or too and strow on a good deale of suger the Juce of a lemon will doe as well as orengeĀ : you may put in one strige of the hearb tansey amongst the other hearbs::: The water of cow dung is very good for the griping of the stomak and belly and for the strong gulliane::: A bolocks checks are very good in a pastey and eate[n] [note:edge damage] as well as venison all most it must be a litell stewed first and pull out all the bones and then season it with pepar and salt as you doe venison to eat hott and put it in to very good crust::: To fat young chickens put them up in a coope with, dores that they may set worme and be kept clenly and give them nothing but dry chisell to eat and beare to drink and it will make them very fatt For a pluresey an aproved medison [note: initials LC] Take a handfull of bueruen and stampe it small and then put in a handfull of barly meale and th[e] [note:edge damage] whit of a new laid ege and stampe it all well