[Transcript for page 117] Take a leven eges and 3 white and beat them ell together and then put in a pint of very thick creame and sture it well together and season it with suger and mace beat small and a litell salt and sture it well about and then take around dish and buter it well or flowre it well and put it in the dish and then lay a round trenches over it and then tye in up in a cloth that is thick very llose and and so put it in to the pot whear you boyle your befe and let it boyle 3 or 4 hours and then turne it out in a dish and then poure one it buter and suger and rose water and a litell sinomone and poure it one the puding and serve it::: A hege hoge puding is a soft round puding made with manchat and yolks of eges and creame and nutmeg and suger and boyled and then stuck all round about with allmond sliced in thinn long slices all over the puding and butar and sack for the sace and so serve it::: To Take out the heat of a burne or a scald and a proued thing in thrule Take sume stone allone and the whit of ege and grind them well together till it is like and oyntment and aplye it very sudenly to the burn or scald and it will fetch out the fire very well and sudenly::: A pouder for the worms in children