[Transcript for page 8] the surope doe not jelly let it boyle yet langer an keepe sume to fill up the pots the next day ::: To preserve Damasens or peare plums Take the fairest plumes with out spots way them with suger waith for waith take as much water as will melt the suger and boyle it to a candy hight with your plumes to the stones and put them into the surope then take them from the fire and cover them with a dish turning them now and then so when they are all most could set them one the fire againe and let them boyle softly then take them ofe againe and cover them with a dish doe this 4 or 5 times the last time let them stand 3 or 4 hours then boyle them up as fast as they can in dure with out breaking so put in the plumes into glases and boyle the surope a while after till it jelleys put sume to the plumes let the Rest stand till it be could ::: To Make Cleare Caks Take your frute and put it in a pot of boyling water cover your pot close and straining out the juce every quarter of and houre Take a wine pint of the juce to a pound of suger wet the suger with water and boyle it to a [?hie?] candy worme the juce blud worme and put it to the suger so take it from the fire put in sa [note: edge damage] er and put it in a stove and dry it :::