[Transcript for page 6] like maner thus all your black plumes damsons and damasenes are to be dryed if you use corse suger you may clarifie it with the whit of and egeĀ ::: A Recait For whit peare plumes Take cleare skined plumes and stone them to every pound of plumes halfe a pound of your best refined suger beat it very fine as you open your plums strow sume of your suger in them to keepe them whit and then in every pertickler the are to bee finished as other plumesĀ ::: A Recait For dryed Aprecoks Take Aprecoks gathered the night before they are to be dune then pare them very fine take out the stones you must take out the stones thus take a silver bodkin or sume thing made like it and thrust it in at the end to which the stalk groweth and put it out at the other take to every pound of Aprecock a quartern of suger of the best refined suger beat it very fine as you pare your Aprecoks strow them thick over with suger and let them stand 3 or 4 hours covered then take the juce that comes from the Aprecoks and make your surope when you have made your surope put in your Aprecoks let them boyle but not to tender so let them stand covered all night in the surop the next day make a new surope and boyle