[Transcript for page 187] An a proved thing to keepe back a fitt of the gout for a longe time proved Mr W Take bay salt and beat it very fine and t[hen] [note:edge damage] quilt it in to the [strike through of] sole of your socks and so weare it to the soles of your feet and quilt fresh every 3 or 4 dayes and weare it for a long time and you will find it will draw aw[ay] [note:edge damage] a great deal of the goutish humor and doe a great deale of good::: An a proved thing for a pluresey [note: initials] CR Take soft durt such as lyes in the streets and mak a cake of it and brile it very well one a grigirne and then lay it very hot to the side and when that is could lay one and other and so doe till you find eas [note: continuation of an earlier recipe] hoges tunges may be dryed ondly with whit salt and laid close till they be stife and salt and then hang them up in the chimney corner but not to hoott but that they may dry lesurably and they will look very black with out and red with in: Mrs S ::: A very good thing for the sleepey dises in the head . the lethersey or . perplexsey proved by one that cold not doe any thing all most but sleepe Take in the morning fasting one good spondfull of musturd with a litell suger in it take it 3 mornings together and it is goo[d] [note: edge damage)