[Transcript for page 235] [note: edge damage to top of page][note: page torn] [note: illegible] [?pa?] [note: illegible]ar [note: edge damage] broth and a good pece of butar[note: edge damage] stirs and sume licker and s[note: edge damage] a litell salt and nutmeg a[note: edge damage] ueale and then make sume ba[note: edge damage] and fry sume of the oysters [note: curve of dots after this word] [?an?][note: edge damage] tt breads of veale fryed and[note: edge damage] and lams stons fried in thin[note: edge damage] cors coms boyled tender and fry[note: edge damage] and cors stones fryed all so and[note: edge damage] out your stewed meat in a d[note: illegible][note: edge damage] put in 3 or fowre yelks of eges [note: illegible][note: edge damage] it and reles it well and then [note: edge damage] ed thinges all over your steue[note: edge damage] so serve it ::: To Make french brea[?d?] [note: edge damage] good way Take a gallon of fine flow[?e?][note: edge damage] [?ne?] new milck and make it [note: edge damage] and then take it ofe and put [note: edge damage] [?n?] yest that is very light and [note: edge damage] and beat it with a spone till[note: edge damage] [note: edge damage]the yest in the mil[note: edge damage] [note: edge damage][note: illegible][note: hole in page] nd then[note: edge damage]