[Transcript for page 167] of chyna roots and halfe and ounce of sa[note: edge damage]frase which must be cut in to small peces a quarter of a pound of harts horne shaved or scraped so all yours druges spices and seeds being beat sume what grosse and all your hearbs being washed runge in a cloth and shred put them all in to and earthen pott with two gallons of the best and strongest shery sack to steepe all night your drugges spices and seeds to be put in the midest of the hearbs then when you still which must be the next day : out of the holes quantity you must draw a quart of the first which is the best then a pint which is the second next in goodness then mingell them three pints together which is the useall water and if it prove to stronge put a litell more of the weaker sort to it the third and last sort is for the other uses as heare after you must A[?r?]omati[?r?]e each pottell of your first usueall and drinking water with thirty grains of b[?e?]zar twenty fowre graines of musk twenty grains of Ambergree[?co?] one pound of suger candy 2 drams of curell 2 drams of pearle and one drame