[Transcript for page 158] Surope of the liverworth is and exclent thing for the heat of the liver proved for children Take a peck of the best liverworth and pick it very cleane and wash it very cleane and then dry it in a cloth and then stampe it in a morter and then straine out the juce and then clarifie it with the whits of eges well beat then take ofe the scume very cleane and then make it as you doe other surops and give it to the child or to any other ::: Stone sutt is very good for the worms in children it must be made in very fine pouder an so make it up in to 4 or 5 pills and put sume pape of apells amongst it to make it up and then rope it up in the pap of and apell and give it them at the changes of the monne and it will doe great good give them sume warme thing to drink and houre after LA ::: [note: marginal] The To cure a sore Brest and to dry up any humor in it proved thing Take those munckepese which will look black are the best and will turne roune like a butten when they are tuched when you begin to take them at first take them and wash them in whit wine and then dry them and then begin and take them first one in a morning fasting and next morning 2 and next 3 and so doe till you have taken 9 in all and [note: edge damage] ?all againe and begin with one and doe as befor take