[Transcript for page 161] so in fuse it all well together and put it in sume earthen thing and then straine it and botell it up with sume lumps of lofe suger in it ... Faire water and suger and lemone pelle boyled together is a prety drink you may boyle burn[?et?] in it if you pleas or [?burege?] or bugles or balme what hearbe you like best For Convuolcion fits Take [?m?]other time and boyle it in runing water and if you will you may sweten it with a litell suger and give it to the child often ... Lady lesters medison she gave nothing else Sume give children nothing but a litell could faire water and it hath cured them perfetly ::: A water to drink for a fevor or burning heat in and agew Take new milck worme from the cow and put it in to the still and put in as much greene egremony as will be well steped in the milck and so still it with and easey fire the first botell is the best and the next keepe by it selfe and or you may if you pleas mingell it all together it is very good water to drink in hott dis[note: line break]eses ::: A water very good for a losnes Take new milck and put in to it sume whit papar and so still them together and kepe the first water by it selfe it is the best :::: Saseges are best to be fryed in a pan that is very [?clene?] with out any frying or anything fry them browne