[Transcript for page 192] [note:edge damage] [to]gether and then spred it one [note:edge damage] [f]lax tow and [note:edge damage] [?than?] it worme and lay it to the side whear the pai[ne] is let it be spred one the tow as broad as the paine id and let it lye one twelfe houres and = then lay one more fresh and so doe three times and it will draw a way the corupt bloud proved: A plye this medisone but once jweare mistaken in (w)riting of it at too severall places in this book let it lye one twelfe hours and then take it ofe::: To make french bred Take a gallon of fine flower and 2 yelks of eges and one whit well beaten and noe salt and a great deale of alle yest and new milck let the milck be but worme when you wet your bread wet it like batar all most and first beat the eges and yest and milck very well together then beat it all well together till it goe in the oven and then buter your pans very well tinn pans mad for the same purpos or you may bake then in paper pans butred and after you have baked them a litell turne them out of the pans and when they are baked raspe them Sace for Capens Take the nicks and the livers and boyle them in a litell water and salt and sume sherlot and a litell anchov[e] and sume hole pepar and sume gravey of befe or mut[en] and boyle it well together and then straine it out and serve it with your young Capens or ould capens or