[Transcript for page 166] Take komon wormwood sage bitany speare mints unset isope sett well time and mother time balme penariall sanicle sulendine water creses hartsease fill daises flowrs leaves and roots lavender Angellica [?j?]armander callamints Tamirice coults foote cardus benadictus Avince valarium wild margrome saxafrade pellatory of the wall pimpernell vervene parsly rosmary savorey scabious egremonye of all thes an handfull picked a quarter of a peck of rosmary flowrs halfe a pack of cowslipe flowers halfe a peck of red roses of camamile maiden haire sweet margrome panton comfry yarow and kew as much of thes as shall remaine being picked out of and handfull of and handfull of each then of aromaticom rosarium three dram spicknard three dramas elicompane dryed callymius Aromaticus gallingalle quibibs cardonume graines pep lyguamallos ruberb sliced small veronica junip Beryes [?ros?]ye of each of thes to drams ondly of the junip berys but one drame then ginger sinomon cloves mace nutmege me lilot flowrs of each of them to drams then take fenell seede parsly seede Anyseeds caraway seeds of each to drams one ounce