[Transcript for page 157] to the flower very well and so mak [note: edge damage] in [note: edge damage] past and make your wiges and put in them a quarter of an ounce of carway seeds then wash them over befor they goe [?in?] to the oven with creame and suger with a feather ::: when you boyle parsnpsparsnips mash them very small and then butar them very well with creame and butar beat together and it will make them eat very well much betar then all buter and make them looke whit ::: if you make pyes of sounds first scald them and then scrape them well and cleane and then boyle them very tender and then shreed them small and then season them as you doe your neats foot pyes and eat them hot they be not good could ::: you may lay a puff past at the botome of the dish and another one the toope and when you serve it strow on suger ::: Red herings are best if they be watred a while befor they be eat it maks them much beter ::: put in your whit pudings in sted of befe sewet marow and sitrne cut very small and allmond past and eges an curance and jack and rose water and salt and mace and musk and ambergreece and lay the guts the night befor in rose water and put in a good many yelks of eges and 2 or 3 whits and fine manchat cut in thinn slices and laid a soke the night before with sume sweet creame and new milk let it boyle and be halfe could and then put it all together till