WitH THE STORY TELLERS Ve Into a nymph she quickly turned, Ah, then his heart within him burned, And vowed for her to fast: Then built beside the lake a tower, And there prayed for that sweet wild flower; Till heaven she gained at last. The Mountaineer I. Here’s to the mountaineer No foeman does he fear, His sheeling it is here Upon the mountain; While mends his wife the coats, His daughters milk the goats, And his “kids” float tiny boats Upon the fountain. II. Then take their daily flight To some impending height; Or among the flowers delight | In beds of lichen; Or from the mountain rill, Pull cresses there until, Their little bibs they fill, To aid the kitchen. i i 8 ne ta yi ‘i it We i ly it . ' ling ia ? I) ' hi 4 Wi i ike AE Hh it i Bg: ti te 5 ; a : ae bia HI ba } t a eink i 4 be iy | rad | % i i Se Se Pape es | be For riches they don’t care, They’ve plenty and to spare, And no Sassenach would dare Their home to trouble. —————— ae St a ea ee met alge: Te Coen, > aceite ioe eset ae eva oe ioe n 144 ao ane Liga eae pil ratte eee ¥ i RAO A os