WITH THE STORY TELLERS Outspoke the haughty earl then While pride his bosom swells; “We must prevent their crossing, And hold the bridge at Kells. Now Ormond take the cavalry, And with it quickly go, Where the Glory and Kings River | In eddying currents flow; | Engage them in that angle till My troops appear in sight; When should they but attempt to cross, l’ll slaughter them outright. Hy Ormond saluted with his sword, And orders gave “to horse”! The squadron at a gallop went, To reach the river their intent, And thus the Irish troops prevent Its passage for to force. But while on Kells his thoughts are bent, Much precious time is lost. And ere ’tis reached, at Stonyford The Irish right have crossed. Who for possession of the bridge With Ormond’s horsemen vie; As the Kilkenny bowmen and The swordsmen too draw nigh: That they would hold this vantage ground McMurrough seemed afraid, Till Nolan’s men rushed up the glen, And brought him needed aid. The battle now is raging Along the British line; While victory seems to waver, And to each side incline; As bowmen meet cross-bowmen, And swordsmen onward go, 135 ee Te Sees a = SEDs ~-