With THE STorY TELLERS In Carlow Art was biding When news to him was brought, That his allies were vanquished In every battle fought. Short time he lost in summoning The clans from near and far, Against the strongholds of the Pale To wage a ruthless war. MecMurrough’s clan. rose like one man, On valley, moor and hill; Attacked their treacherous foemen, And smote them there until, Through all that spacious country, From Arklow to Athy; The blaze of Norman castles Lit up the autumn sky. a Prince Art has gone in person To lead his choicest troops; Down on the Wexford Normans, Through Scullogue Gap he swoops. And charming is the color, The gap in autumn wears, Two thousand feet above it hides In cloud, or mist that here abides, Where nought but the dread pooka rides, On top of the Blackstairs. But on the north side of the Gap, There in profusion grew, The furze and fern, that clothe in turn, The slopes of dark Knockroe. By mountain river wild flowers plucked, When June its voice had hushed; Into the Witch’s cave threw stones, Or from the pine trees plucked the cone And often nearly broke our bones As down the hill we rushed. 150 f He iy nS Be ke \ mie ste mi? i : } meee iB an f neo % Bs i i eer Sy