Wi1TH THE STORY TELLERS And then three doves were seen to fly, From Bruis, to Lattin Church hard by; Thence through the clouds they soar. Shawn gets much money and a wife, Provides for mother all her life, Nor ghost, nor mortal, care nor strife Disturbs him evermore. TWELFTH NIGHT A Legend of Shronell Now Shawn na Bourke was called upon To take the vacant chair, Who smiling on the happy crowd Said: If you do not care, I'll tell a tale ’bout Shronell and The fairies dwelling there. You know there’s a long story "Bout Damer’s crumbling wall, And you must bring the porter in If I’m to tell it all. Oh here it comes! a keg of stout, Who sends it, can you guess? My blessing on you Lanty, May your shadow ne’er grow less! The liquor put the crowd into A very jolly mood, And Shawn na Bourke pursued his tale As they all hoped he would. We all know there are fairies Round here, as thick as grass; But worst. of all’s the magpie, And you see him as you pass, Upon the wall at midnight When the sky is pitchy dark, 107